a media project of the Jade University of Applied Sciences for and About the project re:claim the city by the Stadtmuseum Oldenburg, RAUM AUF ZEIT and "The Hidden Art Project"

On December 09 and 10, 2022, the exhibition of students of the Jade University took place at Staustraße 16 in Oldenburg. But what was the occasion? That's something they can best tell themselves:
"Re:claim Oldenburg" is a media project by eighteen students from the Jade University of Applied Sciences. The lecturer Carola Schede witnessed the re:claim festival that was launched by the Hidden Art Project , and was thrilled.
"I would like to see many more places where you can experience Oldenburg the way you did during the re:claim festival. So urban, so creative, so diverse."
This desire gave rise to the media project. At Staustraße 16, the students presented the results of their project from the semester.
The project initiators and makers of "re:claim the city" were the clients:
The Stadtmuseum Oldenburg, RAUM AUF ZEIT and "The Hidden Art Project", who have also worked closely together in the context of the re:claim festival.
The goal of the media project was to audiovisually document the various positions and experiences of actors in the field of action "re:claim the city" in Oldenburg and to communicate them to a larger audience in the context of a small exhibition.
The students interviewed them and compiled their thoughts in their exhibition. You can see all the videos that were shown in the exhibition in this post.
Pia Wienholt from RAUM AUF ZEIT also knows exactly what drives her for "re:claim the city". "Oldenburg is potential for me," she says. RAUM AUF ZEIT mediates vacancies in Oldenburg. As a result, Pia has often created free space for culture in the past. "This ranges from a techno party to an interactive exhibition theater production," says the 34-year-old.
The concept "re:claim" was developed by "The Hidden Art Project". Their statement on re:claim:
„Gesellschaftspolitische Umwälzungen und ein zersplittertes Sozialgefüge hinterlassen ihre Spuren im urbanen Raum“.
The re:claim festival held in June was one of many attempts to use a vacant store space as a place for creative reappropriation. With the aim of entering into an open dialogue and shaping a new status for diversity, self-development and collaborative togetherness by means of conceptual works by local and international artists.
But to bring more art and culture to Oldenburg, you also need many different artists who want to make the city more colorful.
The students met with "Freizeitlärm", "der Loge" and Katharina Dutz from the "RepairCafe Oldenburg". You can find their stories in the following video.
But many more people should have their say. Representatives from various fields such as architecture, video production, real estate brokerage, the event industry and many more were also asked what they hoped to gain from "re:claim Oldenburg".
But also the visitors could leave their opinions and wishes for Oldenburg in the exhibition. A part of one wall was left free for this purpose, so that everyone could leave their thoughts with Post-Its.

We thank all participants for their support of our media project:
Videos created by: Velat Agackiran (contact: velataga@icloud.com) and Daria Pavlova (contact: daria.pav.97@gmail.com)
Students: Velat Agackiran, Marius Börgmann, Lara de Vries, Sarah Frerich, Antonia Freudenberg, Madlen Fuchs, Nils Hackfeld, Natalie Heß, Jule Klattenberg, Daria Pavlova, Laureen Reiners, Lea Runck, Nicole Scherbakow, Lea Scholz, Tronje Schreyer, Sarah Schumacher, Leonie Weineck, Claas Zülow
Lecturer: Carola Schede